Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Lauunch Angles Determine Power Numbers!

How To Determine Launch Angles in the Batting Cage

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Tee Drill

Attention Hitters:

One of the major draw backs to tee work is that the player doesn’t have to make a decision prior to swinging, and they are often working on swinging at just one pitch, the pitch right down the middle. Here's a drill you can do to make your tee work more productive, and more game-like:

Inside/Outside with Take: Set up a tee on the inside of the plate off the front foot, and one on the outside of the plate off the middle of the body. When the hitter begins his stride and load phase, their partner will either say “inside,” “outside,” or “take.” If they say “inside’ or “outside” the hitter will hit the corresponding ball. If they say “take” the hitter will freeze in their hitting position. Make sure the partner giving the direction does so with enough time that they can process and swing at the proper ball.

It is amazing how making just a few changes to tee work can make it much more productive and more likely to translate into games. Coach Kyle Nelson, Cornerstone Coaching Academy

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